Wednesday 22 May 2013

Spring frolic!

Hola, my little buddies! Good to see you all again! Now, as you might know, it is Spring! ( live in Australia. Or New Zealand. Or somewhere over there.) But for us it is anyway! So, I was so overwhelmed by the beautiful-ness of everything that I dashed back inside, grabbed my trusty camera, and basically took multiple pictures of everything! So, here we are!
Yay! Blossom!
And...ahem...more blossom..
Oh, and Hetty!
Tress/blossom (I'm aware I'm stating the obvious!)
Oh, and just because I love you guys, I spent ages kneeling on the office desk trying desperately to capture my little birdie buddies, and, yep the photo is blurry,'s a bluetit! Whoo! So, folks, there we have it! My photo taking spree in the sun! I enjoyed being outside with Hetty, and I hope you vaguely enjoyed this post!!