Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Power Of Polaroid!

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Ignore that up there..just a blogloving thing..
Hello, me hearties! I see you have sailed over to my wonderful word of blogdom that is  this..,well,blog! Now today, I have for you a tutorial! Yep, that's right, pretty exciting! So, the tutorial in question is: Polaroid pictures!
So, this is a ridiculously simple THINGY, and I'm sure you don't require my tutorial! But here goes! Ooh, and before we start, I must point out that I'm not the firstest coolio persona to do this tutorial - check out Hanni's version right HERE! Right, on with the show!
1. Gather appropriate images. Of something beautiful, like..
  • Flowers!
  • Friends!
  • Family!
  • Pets!
  • Eddie Redmayne!
Now, before we print off these images, we need to vintagify them! and we shall do this by changing the colour settings to sepia - like so:
2. Print off said beautiful things! With the printer!
3. Cut out said beautiful things!
4. Stick said beautiful things onto pieces of paper, with a large gap inbetween each of them! I rubbed the paper with a tea bag first to add some more vintage feel, but the effect achieved wasn't amazing, so this isn't a must.
5. Cut out the pictures, but make sure the margin of paper around each one is about three times as wide at the bottom than it is at the side or top edges. See what I'm on about from the picture!
6. Now, I am the proud owner of a 'Typo Printy' - basically just a stampy device I never use, and have no idea where it came from. I think they use them in libraries..?
I thought that I would add a little more vintage sparkle to my pictures, however......it became clear that their practical limitations outweighed their vintage assets. In  short, they were impossible to use, and...just look at the picture, ok?
Yes. So, it doesn't really work! I reverted to doing the text by hand, because that was reliant and easy! here is the result:
So, there we go! T'end! You can do whatever you wantwith the photos, but here's what I did:
Yep, so imaginative! I stuck them on my wall! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Oh, before I leave you I shall share the other fascinating details of my day with you - I went to a pub called the Bull's Head, was served by a farmer wearing BRACES, and wore my lovely new shoes and favourite skirt!  I also saw some lovely chairs, and toyed with the idea of chair - napping them, but was dragged away by unreasonable people. :( Ta - ra!

Oh, and popping back for one more thing (Sorry! Sorry!) You may have noticed the Bloglovin icon on the right! That's right, I am on Bloglovin, and I would be so grateful if you followed me!


  1. OMG I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES EDDIE REDMAYNE YUUUSSSS!!! Just saw Les Mis for the first time this weekend and I spent the whole time he was on screen seething at Amanda Sefried's luck and swooning at him. Pity he's 31 though :'(
    Cute tutorial, will deffo be trying this as soon as my exams are over (2 and a half more days!!)
    Aoife xx

  2. OMG YOU LIKE EDDIE TOO! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND GORGY PORGY!Yes, when I watched Les Mis I was bright green with seething ugly jealousy, seeing Amanda singing with him! Thankyou, I'm pleased with the tutorial! Struggle on through your exams! This is Sophie, but my blogger account won't let me log in :(
