Sunday, 12 May 2013

Once Film Review!!

Hello again! Tis me, bringer of blog posts! before we get started, take a few seconds to admire my new wallpaper and layout - it deserves to be admired for the amount of time I sent frowning at acomputer screen in my dressing gown! Anyway, on with le Post! My parents are the kind of people who love organising things, and community events. So a few years ago they set up a Village Film Club, and it's been coasting along ever since. Pretty uninteresting, unless you're me, because I get DRAGGED ALONG TO EVERY SINGLE FILM. And they're not even goo films! They're granny films no one has heard of! I hate mainstream, but if I have to watch another depressing French romance, I shall rethink my ideas. But, occasionally, they show a suprisingly fantabulous film. And this film, for me, is Once.

Once tells the story of a stuggling Irish singer song writer, who works in his dad's hoover shop, and busks, and a Czech immigrant girl, who plays the piano and loves music. And blah blah, they meet one day, girl is unashamedly brash, boy is guarded, they get to know each other and WHAM. They fall in love - I did not see that one coming! I am aware that I sound like a fun - hating Grinch (great film!) but I'm doing waht our English teacher yells at us to do - get the countr argument out of the way, and THEN sing the praises! Once may sound like a generic rom com, but I promise you tis not! For a start, you never find out the names of the busker or immigrant, they are simply guy and girl. Or the fact that these aren't professional actors, they're professional muscians. All the extras are their mates, and on the street scenes the passers - by had NO IDEA they were being filmed! Might be illegal, but it just adds to the charm for me! And the cherry on the cake is the music. The song in this are hauntingly beautiful - my favourite is Falling Slowly, which you can check out HERE!! OVER HERE! So, I may have ranted for two minutes straight, but I hope I got my point across! Thankyou for reading, and farewellius on your travels!

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