Friday, 28 June 2013

Everything you never wanted to know, but now have shoved in your face by a blog post!

Hey hi hey hi hello hey guys guys guys guys guysguys! You may have noticed that my volcabulary has been reduced to that of a hyperventilating hairbrush, (not sure where that came from...the deep dark hairbrush orientated recesses of my mind perhaps),but anyhoo, but here is a monumentous thingy - I'VE BEEN NOMINATED FOR SOMETHING OTHER THAN WASHING UP DUTY! The thingy in question is an...*pause for effect* AWARD. *Gasps* I know! I'm so excited! So, without anymore ado, let's get on with the show! It seems there are some rules I have to follow, and they are:
  • I have to answer the eleven questions set by the blogger who nominated me (ooh..questions!)
  • I must then pick eleven (what is it with that number?) blogs who have under 200 followers, and think of eleven questions for these dear blogs!
  • When I have completed all this, it seems I have to put in a little link to the blogger who nominated me - I can tell you that now, that good person was LUCY! 
Righty tighty then, question time!
If you could go back in time,which era and country would you go to?
Ooh...I'm gonna go with the fantastic fifties, most probably in America! If you'd asked me at some other time my answer would probably have been different, but at le present momento in time, I am in the school musical with my dear lovely fantabby friends, and that musical is...GREASE! I just think it sounds a pretty fun time to be alive - all that hand-jiving, and dancing, and gosh do I love the dresses! Full skirts, halternecks...sigh!

The next question was pretty mysterious! Lucy gave us a link, and told us to watch it, and say what we, I clicked on the link...and it took me to HERE! Wow...when i first saw this, I was slightly horrified at the sickly sweet girly singing, and the sweet girly outfits...but the more I watched, the more I accepted that that's just the nature of J-Pop, and you have to love it for what it is!

Do you play an instrument?
Yes! yes I do! I play the ukelele, banjo, guitar, didjerydoo, oboe, harp, bassoon, saxophone, violin, bongos, harp and last but not least the kazoo! ...Is what I would say, in an ideal world, but if we must return to reality, then the answer would have to be no. I am sadly instrument-less!

Who is the greatest female influence throughout history?
I'm going to guess that Lucy means my greatest female influence, and I'm going to go for...aaargh! There are too many! May I list them?
Queen Elizabeth 1 - She may have been crotchety, grumpy, but she was one of the first big fashion icons (not mine!), and she stoicly refused to marry - both of which I think are great things to have going for you!

Coco Chanel, for, well, obvious reasons!
Anne Frank - I hardly thinks that needs explanation!
And there are many more, but we must crack on!
What is your favourite film?
Hmm...I think I shall have to plump for...the fantastic Les Miserablés!
Where are you from?
Well, I was born in Nottingham, but I've grown up in Derbyshire - in my opinion, there is no better place to grow up!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Which one! Hmm.... watching endless Danisnotonfire videos, eating cake, stalking blogs...
What is the worst thing about work/college/university/school?
Oh - too many to name! Getting up stupidly early, having no freedom with my uniform, nasty scary horrible people who call me a nerd, horrible teachers, too much homework, and many more!
What is your catchphrase?
Righty tighty!
Oui, oui monsieur!
Lob oo!
Fun buns!
Beam me up, Scottie!
Go away parent!
Oh look..a male...
What are your ambitions?
To be an awesome arty farty person, who flits around happily in her massive French chateau!
If you had the chance to emigrate, where would you go?
France! Peru! Sweden! EVERYWHERE!
And then..I kinda ran out! It was a brave attempt! Stay classy, dinosaurs, and I shall see you next time on Sophie Gets Nominated Then Everyone Wishes She Wasn't Nominated Because She Just Rambles Stupidly!

***************UPDATE YAY***************
Hello again friends! Umm...I am really stupid, so of course I forgot to add my own questions...(Oops!), so I am back, to add them! Questions:
1. What is your favourite word?
2. What is your comfort food?
3. What is your shower song? (The song you warble louldly while using said bathroom appliance, much to the annoyance of everyone else. Your feel-good song!)
4. Sum yourself up in 3 words.
5. What is your favourite item of clothing?
6. What would your superpower be?
7. What do you wish for when blowing out birthday cake candles?
8. Who do you aspire to be like?
9. How would you define your style (I know it's hard!)
10. Who is your favourite blogger?
11. Do you have any hobbies -if not, what would you do in an ideal world?
That's all friends! have fun!


  1. Sorry I shoved it your face a little bit! Sorry about that!!! Your blog is just awesome in every way-that's why I chose you!

    1. No - don't worry! You didn't shove it in my face! Thankyou so much for nominating me - your blog is also awesome!

  2. Hey thanks so much for nominating me! I love your blog you always make me laugh! Uhhh one small question though... Do you have to come up with 11 questions for us to answer or should I just use the questions you were asked??? Or I don't know... thanks anyway <3

    1. You're welcome - and thankyou so much! I love your blog too! I have added the questions now! <3

  3. Thank ooo for nominating meeeeee!!!
    Lob ooo!
    Hollie xx

  4. Sophie! you don't say any of those catchphrases! But I wish you did, they are awesome! Beam me up, Scottie!
    Thanks for nominating me!

    1. I do say them, but not as much as I should! Oh look...a male!

