Hello hola my little internet browsing buddies! You have stumbled into my online teritory! Now, you may recall in the foggy depths of your memory that yesterday I had an exam. Well, I had another one today, and it got my creative gears whirring, so here is a poem thatI wrote about it!
200 pairs of marching feet,
And wary eyes afraid to meet.
There will be no blood and gore -
But we all prepare for war.
"No talking, no cheating, no smiling, no stealing -
And CERTAINLY no fun.
With an hour on the clock you'd better get going.
Pick up your pens, the test have begun."
Don't know this, don't know that,
I thought Pi was to eat, and X I never found.
Don't know this, don't know that,
Stresses, and strains, and problems abound.
But this isn't a war - must it be fought?
Me brain sticks together like strawberry jam.
I would maybe help if we were better taught -
Teachers, calm down. It's just an exam.
There you gooo! Hope you enjoyed it, pal!
200 pairs of marching feet,
And wary eyes afraid to meet.
There will be no blood and gore -
But we all prepare for war.
"No talking, no cheating, no smiling, no stealing -
And CERTAINLY no fun.
With an hour on the clock you'd better get going.
Pick up your pens, the test have begun."
Don't know this, don't know that,
I thought Pi was to eat, and X I never found.
Don't know this, don't know that,
Stresses, and strains, and problems abound.
But this isn't a war - must it be fought?
Me brain sticks together like strawberry jam.
I would maybe help if we were better taught -
Teachers, calm down. It's just an exam.
There you gooo! Hope you enjoyed it, pal!
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