Sunday, 12 May 2013

Goodbye Primark

Heloffle! Lets cut straight to it: I am going to stop shopping at Primark! I don't shop there often anyhoo, but I'm sweeping any shopping I did do there clean if the metaphorical board! I'm sure all of you have heard about the Bangladeshi clothing factory disaster, and the last I heard the death toll was 1100. This is horridious people! The clothing factory itself might not have supplied Primark, but I'm sure the factories that do supply them are equally horrid. This will only stop if we all do something about it, and my thing to do is stop shopping at Primark! The end. I have ranted. But before I go, let's look back on the good times I had with Primark! For example, these clothes! By the way, if like to point out I bought all thee when I was younger and much more mainstream! Not no more (wincing at that double negative!!)


  1. I have that 'youre the cats whiskers top' but I never wear it!

  2. Yay! Join my We Hate Primark club!!
