Friday, 31 May 2013

Bootiful new stuuuuuff!

Hello, my dearest and loveliest internet pals! I am writing this as I tuck into a steaming bowl of raisin and apricot porridge, so hopefully some of those happy porridge vibes should rub off on you! Right, basically, what I want to tell you is this: I have got loads of new awesome stuff! And I shall show it to you! Here is my daisy dress which I luuuuurve so's a pinny dress from New Look, which has made me both a)Skint and b)In dept, but it has also made me exceedingly happy! Here it is:

These are bad photos, so here's the photo from the New Look website:
If you are so in love with this dress, as I was, then here's the link to go buy it! Just clickety click right...HERE!!
The day before I got some stuff from a charity shop, so here it all is:

A 99p briar bramble hat!
An (originally Topshop) floral cardi!

A delightful floral shirt!
And a lovely, simple blue cardi! So, yeah! I'm all spent up! Although, when I went into Matlock today that didn't stop me buying a cuddly toy unicorn, whom I called Sebastian (Sebby for short!) But he was 75p guys! How could I resist! And he has a sparkly horn! Here's my mini photoshoot session with Sebby!

Aaaaaw  love him! Hmmm...other exciting news...Oh yes! I saw STAR TREK!

 I know! I didn't want to either! I was dragged along on a shopping trip with friends, and only agreed to see it as it has BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH in!! (He looks lovely in the film, if you can get past the fact that he's a scary psycho killer who does a lot of crushing heads with his bare hands.)

From the poster up there, the film looks very violent and nasty... however, the second the film began I fell in love with it! It wasn't just mindless violence, it had a great story and characters! Escpecially Mr Spock and Captain Kirk (phwooooar..) (BTW, I'm phwooooar - ing at Captain Kirk, not so much Mr Spock!)
So, yep! There it is! Out in the open! I ENJOYED watching Star Trek (Please please please stop me if I go any further...Becoming a Trekkie is last on my agenda!) Well, I love you, little people reading this, and have a good week/day/year! All that remains to be said is WHITE RABBITS!!!


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Power Of Polaroid!

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Ignore that up there..just a blogloving thing..
Hello, me hearties! I see you have sailed over to my wonderful word of blogdom that is  this..,well,blog! Now today, I have for you a tutorial! Yep, that's right, pretty exciting! So, the tutorial in question is: Polaroid pictures!
So, this is a ridiculously simple THINGY, and I'm sure you don't require my tutorial! But here goes! Ooh, and before we start, I must point out that I'm not the firstest coolio persona to do this tutorial - check out Hanni's version right HERE! Right, on with the show!
1. Gather appropriate images. Of something beautiful, like..
  • Flowers!
  • Friends!
  • Family!
  • Pets!
  • Eddie Redmayne!
Now, before we print off these images, we need to vintagify them! and we shall do this by changing the colour settings to sepia - like so:
2. Print off said beautiful things! With the printer!
3. Cut out said beautiful things!
4. Stick said beautiful things onto pieces of paper, with a large gap inbetween each of them! I rubbed the paper with a tea bag first to add some more vintage feel, but the effect achieved wasn't amazing, so this isn't a must.
5. Cut out the pictures, but make sure the margin of paper around each one is about three times as wide at the bottom than it is at the side or top edges. See what I'm on about from the picture!
6. Now, I am the proud owner of a 'Typo Printy' - basically just a stampy device I never use, and have no idea where it came from. I think they use them in libraries..?
I thought that I would add a little more vintage sparkle to my pictures, became clear that their practical limitations outweighed their vintage assets. In  short, they were impossible to use, and...just look at the picture, ok?
Yes. So, it doesn't really work! I reverted to doing the text by hand, because that was reliant and easy! here is the result:
So, there we go! T'end! You can do whatever you wantwith the photos, but here's what I did:
Yep, so imaginative! I stuck them on my wall! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Oh, before I leave you I shall share the other fascinating details of my day with you - I went to a pub called the Bull's Head, was served by a farmer wearing BRACES, and wore my lovely new shoes and favourite skirt!  I also saw some lovely chairs, and toyed with the idea of chair - napping them, but was dragged away by unreasonable people. :( Ta - ra!

Oh, and popping back for one more thing (Sorry! Sorry!) You may have noticed the Bloglovin icon on the right! That's right, I am on Bloglovin, and I would be so grateful if you followed me!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

I am so versatile!

Hello! Welcome to my internet dominion! Now, this is a very very EXCITING post, because I have been given an AWARD! As in, one of those things I NEVER GET GIVEN! But now I have, and the award in question is the Versatile Blogger Award (ooh, and I thought of a pun - 'I am so versatile, you could cover a bathroom wall with me! Do you see? As in versaTILE!) I was nominated by both my good lovely friend Hanni! and my internet blogger buddy Amehka! so, please check out both of their blogs! Right, well, here goes - the rules:

  1. Thank the person that gave you the award!
  2. (Thankyou Hanni, thankyou Amehka!)
  3. Include a link to their blog!
  4. (See above)
  5. Select 15 blogs to nominate for this award!
  6. Tell the person who nominated you and your readers 7 things about yourself!

Right...fifteen blogs...this will be tricky, as I don't have  fifteen followers, but I shall juts nominate people, and if you have already been nominated just ignore me!

Bronia's Bubble
Remarkable Ramblings
Beautiful Button
A Little Prickly
The Frill Seeker
Teacups and Saucers
Right, well, my grasp on maths may be bad, but even I am aware that this isn't fifteen! But...Oh well! things about myself?
1. I love food, and eat pretty much constantly..I wouldn't say I was fat, but I am definitely greedy. Eating is just what I do to fill the gaps in my time - I know this probably isn't healthy, but often I can't stop! :(
2. At school I am classified a 'nerd' and disliked by most people apart from my group of coolio friends :) I moved forms this year because I hated my form and was getting mildly bullied for my nerd status. But, now I'm in a GROOVY form with my friends!
3. I started this blog because I wanted a tidgy little space on the internet to call my own, and to share my thoughts, feelings and views! I also like talking..and that reminds me, I would be ovejoyed to exchange emails with someone!
4. I have two cats, which you might already know, called Katie and Hetty - Katie is an eight year old lucky black cat, and Hetty is a small one year old FLUFFY spotty cat! Katie literally jumps at her own shadow, while Hetty would happily walk miles to investigate a strange smell!
5. I love sewing, and fashion, and non - mainstream stuff! I adore charity shops, and thrifting, and everything cool like that! I am currently making a shirt out of a stripy duvet cover I got from a charity shop for 50p - I shall do a post about it when I've finished, so you can admire it in all it's glory!
6. I love love love art, and everything about it! I'm fairly ok at art, and shall be taing it next year for GCSE, so to quote any American - Watch This Space! Here is a bad example:
7. Boys in general dislike me, so I have never had a boyfriend! I'm not fussed about it though - why do I need love when I have a blog?!
Ok, there we have it! Seven facts about MOI! I hope you aren't off in Snoozeville due to the boring nature of my facts, and please leave a comment!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Spring frolic!

Hola, my little buddies! Good to see you all again! Now, as you might know, it is Spring! ( live in Australia. Or New Zealand. Or somewhere over there.) But for us it is anyway! So, I was so overwhelmed by the beautiful-ness of everything that I dashed back inside, grabbed my trusty camera, and basically took multiple pictures of everything! So, here we are!
Yay! Blossom!
And...ahem...more blossom..
Oh, and Hetty!
Tress/blossom (I'm aware I'm stating the obvious!)
Oh, and just because I love you guys, I spent ages kneeling on the office desk trying desperately to capture my little birdie buddies, and, yep the photo is blurry,'s a bluetit! Whoo! So, folks, there we have it! My photo taking spree in the sun! I enjoyed being outside with Hetty, and I hope you vaguely enjoyed this post!!


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Worth dyeing for?

Hello friends! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while, my life has been very hectic recently...I haven't been neglecting you, buddies, and I was right to trust you to keep checking the blog out! Anyway, here I am once again, and this time I shall be sharing my views on a subject with you - dyed hair! Now, there are lots of people in my school with dyed hair in my school, and on some of them, it looks amazing! It changes their entire look and style, and gives them a vibe, and fsvgchbjdd just looks gorgy! I also really love the ombré style!  However...there are some people who, lets just say, haven't quite mastered the high art of dying hair. It seems to be a depressing downward spiral, they dye their hair once, full of hope, but it doesn't quite go right. Instead of blonde, it goes a perculiar shade of green. so, of course the person has to dye it again, and it goes wrong, or looks funny, so it gets dyed again and agian...they end up with a grey coarse, frizzy mop. So, unless you are sure you've got it all right, dyed hair is not worth dyeing for! But there are so many cases when it went right! I shall leave you with a load of cool dyed hai pics!