Thursday, 13 June 2013

Once again, I get shirty!

Well howdy, y'all! it sure it good to see you! (To be read in suitably terrible American accent.) I haven't been neglecting you, I've just been muy muy busio lately! Homework overload, homework overload, and umm...homework overload. But, here I am! with exciting news! I have finished my shirt, which I have been making for...well..forever!! I made it from a Vogue pattern, and a stripy duvet cover I got from a charity shop (where else!!) And here it is...

Do you like it? I most certainly do! Now, just to prove my homework overload - Art. I LOVE Art, but I am bad at getting things finished on the deadline. We were working on the theme of sixties pop art (Yay! Brilly! Fantabby!) And so we designed this fantasy landscape, drew a grid across it, and had to shade the squares in! All very lovely, if I hadn't drawn a stupidly ambitous landscape, with no consideration of the fact that I am the SLOWEST WORKER EVER. Here it is:

Yep. The coloured squares are the ones I've done, and I have to do everything else!! Oh yippee.
So, hope you enjoyed that post, and see you net time! Until then, cheerio good internet! *Salutes and trots off, whistling*


  1. I lob your shirt soffle! Very pretty!!!
    Erm, you haven't got any further with your landscape since I last saw it... get a move on! I want to see it completed!

  2. Love the shirt! x

    1. Thankyou! I'm PREEETTTY proud of it, I must say! x
